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Math 7 (2nd, 3rd, 5th pd classes)

This year we will be studying the following units.
Unit 1: Integers
Unit 2: Operations with Rational Numbers
Unit 3: Equations
Unit 4: Inequalities
Unit 5: Proportional Reasoning
Unit 6: Percents
Unit 7: Probability
Unit 8: Data Collection and Analysis
Unit 9: Geometric Properties
Unit 10: Two-Dimensional Geometry 
Unit 11: Three-Dimensional Geometry

Math 7 Plus (4th pd class)

This year we will be studying the following units. (The 8th grade material is noted with an asterik (*))
Unit 1: Integers and Expressions
Unit 2: Operations with Rational Numbers
Unit 3: Equations
Unit 4: Inequalities
*Unit 5: Proportional Reasoning and Slope
Unit 6: Probability
Unit 7: Data Collection and Analysis
Unit 8: Geometric Properties
*Unit 9: Transformations
Unit 10: Two and Three-Dimensional Geometry
*Unit 11: Exponents and Scientific Notation

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